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Transient Stability and
Dynamic Security
Analysis Tool
DSA Tools
DSA Tools
The DSATools™ suite is the next-generation of power system analysis tools and provides the complete assessment of system security including all forms of stability.
The DSATools™ provide a complete tool-set for power system planning and operational studies. In addition to rich modeling capabilities and leading-edge computational methods, the software is highly automated and can provide engineers with significant productivity improvements.
For more information, please visit the DSATools website.

PSAT™ (PowerFlow & Short Circuit Assessment Tool) is a full-featured graphical powerflow program that includes table-driven data manipulation and a flexible one-line diagram capability. It can be used for stand-alone powerflow analysis or for data exchange with the other DSATools™ products.
Creating and modifying powerflow models
Contingency assessment including overload and voltage studies
Producing diagrams for output reports
Setting up initial conditions for other DSATools applications
VSAT™ (Voltage Security Assessment Tool) is a highly automated steady-state analysis tool designed for comprehensive voltage security assessment. VSAT™ includes flexible specification of voltage security criteria and is designed to handle a large number of contingencies, power transfers, and scenario
Reactive power planning studies
Operational planning studies (security limit assessment)
On-line voltage security assessment
Any analysis involving, Assessment of thermal overloads Determination of voltage security limits Evaluation of required voltage stability margins Transfer limits (ATC & TTC)
TSAT™ (Transient Security Assessment Tool) is a leading-edge full time-domain simulation tool designed for comprehensive assessment of dynamic behavior of complex power systems. TSAT™ includes a rich model library, state-of-the-art solvers, and a highly intuitive user interface. Like VSAT™ and SSAT™, TSAT™ can automatically find security limits under specified contingencies and transfer conditions.
Studies involving rotor angle, voltage, or frequency stability
Transmission system design and operating studies including stability limit assessments
IPP integration studies
Design and setpoint determination of special protection systems
Control tuning and protection coordination
SSAT™ (Small Signal Analysis Tool) is an eigenvalue-based software tool designed for analysis of small signal stability of large complex power systems. It includes a wide number of analysis functions and productivity tools, making it ideal for investigating oscillatory behavior, and for designing and tuning controls to improve system damping.
Studies of low-frequency inter-area oscillations
Analysis of local or inter-machine modes of oscillations
Design and tuning of controls
Investigation of the sensitivity of system parameters on modes of oscillations
Contingencies screening to meet damping requirement
Determination of power transfer limit to meet damping requirement
PSAT™ (PowerFlow & Short Circuit Assessment Tool) is a full-featured graphical powerflow program that includes table-driven data manipulation and a flexible one-line diagram capability. It can be used for stand-alone powerflow analysis or for data exchange with the other DSATools™ products.
Creating and modifying powerflow models
Contingency assessment including overload and voltage studies
Producing diagrams for output reports
Setting up initial conditions for other DSATools applications
Security Assessment in Near-Real Time:
The DSATools™ are designed to provide on-line security assessment when used in the real-time sequence of the control center's energy management system (EMS). The software works with a solved powerflow provided by the state-estimator and communicates with the EMS via flat files or TCP/IP network connection. Powertech's DSAManager™ controls all computations which are conducted on a dedicated cluster of computers and, if necessary, distributed processing is used to meet performance requirements. Results may be passed back to the EMS console or are accessible locally or remotely.